Team Roping • Inducted 1979
Dale Smith, an all-around timed-event cowboy from Safford, Ariz., won consecutive world team roping championships in 1956-57 and missed a third by just $13. In 1959 he went to the National Finals Rodeo in three events – team roping, tie-down roping and steer roping – becoming the first man in ProRodeo history to accomplish that feat. Now a successful rancher, Smith, born Feb. 6, 1928, attributes his success in business to professional rodeo. In appreciation to the sport, he has devoted his time and administrative talents to the RCA/PRCA since the 1950s, when he was elected team roping director on the Board of Directors. He later served as president of the Association for 16 years, longer than any other person. Smith successfully led the Association through some of its darkest hours when it was under attack by radical humane groups, entertainment unions and organizations determined to take over the sport.

World Championships: 2
Team Roping: 1956, 1957
Born: February 6, 1928 in Safford, Arizona
Died: January 15, 2017 in Stanfield, Arizona
RCA/PRCA President: 1962-69, 1971-72, 1976-81
Rodeo Championships
California Rodeo Salinas / Salinas, CA
Tie-Down Roping: 1959, 1961
Cheyenne Frontier Days / Cheyenne, WY
Tie-Down Roping: 1960
Clovis Rodeo / Clovis, CA
Team Roping: 1958, 1963
Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo / Fort Worth, TX
Tie-Down Roping: 1966
Grand National Stock Show & Rodeo / San Francisco, CA
Tie-Down Roping: 1959
La Fiesta de los Vaqueros Rodeo / Tucson, AZ
All-Around: 1956, 1961
Tie-Down Roping: 1954, 1957, 1961, 1968
Team Roping: 1973
Pendleton Round-Up / Pendleton, OR
Tie-Down Roping: 1963
Red Bluff Round-Up / Red Bluff, CA
Tie-Down Roping: 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961
Reno Rodeo / Reno, NV
All-Around: 1961
Team Roping: 1959
Tie-Down Roping: 1970
West of the Pecos Rodeo / Pecos, TX
Team Roping: 1951
World’s Oldest Rodeo Prescott Frontier Days / Prescott, AZ
All-Around: 1956
Tie-Down Roping: 1962, 1965
Team Roping: 1963
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